It's a Birthday!

Neviyah is one! ONE! April 8th, the first night of Pesach, Neviyah celebrated her first birthday with our chavurah. She indulged in honey cake made lovingly by her papa/daddy. It was late and she was tired...but still managed to shove the cake into her mouth!
Neviyah is now cruising furniture, doing the hand movements to Twinkle, Twinkle, saying some words like BATH, PAPA, MAMA, THANK YOU, DOG. She covers her eyes when we say the candle lighting blessing and sways back and forth. Very cute. She loves to read, dance, take baths and smile. She is still breastfeeding often and a couple times in the night. She does So Big and has made up for own baby sign language for Give Me and That. She loves to be tickled, held, put down, music, stories, juice and most foods we give her to try--as long as SHE gets to feed herself or use the fork/spoon herself!
Happy Birthday, Neviyah! We love you!!!