The Doctor Visit


The doctor's appointment was today. Doctor M. threw out the possibility of something like pleuritis which would explain the chest pain and the fatigue. Pleuritis is an inflamation of the area that surrounds the lungs and is viral in nature. There are other conditions that can cause pleuritis but the most common cause is viral. However, that is just a guess right now. He has ordered a stress test to rule out any heart problems which he agrees is unlikely with Rob's health history and age and a CT scan to look for pockets of fluid, lung abscess, tumors or anything else that might happen to look strange.

Rob was still feeling pretty exhausted this morning but seems much better now. The pain is gone and he is only tired when he overexerts.

More info as it becomes available. For now, though, things look pretty good.



Anonymous said…
I had pleuritis and not only did it feel like knives were stabbing me in the chest but it took quite a while for the pain to go away and 2 weeks after that before I was back to my full energy level. REST AND FLUIDS!
Heidi said…
I hope he is feeling better by now, he gave us all a scare! Please let us know if we can help in any way!