Prayers for the Wall


I will be leaving for Israel in just TWO WEEKS!!! The excitement is such, I want to offer to you--my friends, family and readers--the following:

I would be honored to transport your prayers to the Kotel (Western Wall) in Jerusalem.

If you have a prayer/prayers you would like placed in the wall, please let me know and we can make arrangements for me to pick it up or you to drop off to me. If you are out of town, you can email it to me and I will print it off. Alternatively, you can email me for my address and you can drop the prefolded prayer in the mail.

Don't worry--I will not be reading the prayers. They will remain private. I will put them in a sealed envelope and when at the wall, will take the folded prayers out and place in the cracks.

Lastly, I have been told that the cracks are SMALL. I will be visiting the wall on Shabbat so I will not be able to tear edges off to get it small enought to fit if it is too big. Please write your prayer in the smallest space possible, trim any extra white space, then fold at least in half and half again for privacy.

For information on the Kotel...

View the wall live here:

Information about the wall:

