Two is Beautiful

It is hard to believe that Neviyah is almost two. When did this happen? We are having such a wonderful time as she explores speech and movement. She says the most profound things, like waking up the other day, nuzzling my neck, kissing me and then saying to me, nose-to-nose, "Mama? You are the best mamma!" In a moment, after I say something like "I love you so-oooo much" she can respond with (wrinkled brow and all) "I no want you to love me so much, Mamma!" Well! Excuse me!
She is prone to throw long-winded fits for something as simple as us stirring her yogurt or using the wrong colored spoon. She often breaks into song, with Mary Had a Little Lamb and Twinkle Twinkle being a favorite right now. She knows a gazillion nursury rhymes. Her spooky voice during the spider part of Little Miss Muffet never fails to produce a big smile from the listener. She is often in just a diaper at home as she has "clothing issues." Not fond of them touching her skin! Her favorite show is Dora. Her favorite food is pizza. Her favorite book is There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly and The Dirty Dog. For breakfast she loves her daddy's Banana Surprise (Anana Aprize) smoothie he makes for her almost every morning.
I hope I never forgot these wonderful days.