Oy! Another Thing to Stress About!

Yes, it is true.  I have taken to my usual habit of over-thinking, over-analyzing and over-stressing about this name thing.  Right now, I have two names that I like.  Neither are overtly meaning-saturated like I thought I might pick.  Both are nature based and in English could be considered a little hippie-dippy.  It shouldn't surprise me that the names I am fond of are nature based.   After all, I often find G-d-experience in the quiet of trees, on the river, in a soft breeze, the field scattered with color, a sky twinkling with stars.  Nature has always been a catalyst for feelings of balance, serenity,  closeness to G-d.  Still, I guess I kind of half expected to string together some words to make a nice neat spiritually-saturated name.  Maybe that is not for me because even such beautiful phrases are really just concepts limited by the words used to describe them.  The feeling one has in nature is something that fills the spirit and soul, and sometimes cannot be translated into words effectively. The fullness, the promise of that fullness...perhaps that is what is meant to be.
