The Head and the Belly

The time has arrived - my mom's hair is falling out in clumps, or pulling right out when tugged.  We dropped off to her a few hats and a scarf.  All that time I covered my hair came in handy as I was able to show her multiple ways to tie a scarf.  She does have a wig but maybe later on, she will let me buy her a kind of fun and whimsical one.

I have been having to confront my belly lately because it is protruding out of my shirts.  I am not happy about it!  I can't seem to be too motivated even with this reality that I don't have clothes to dress my new body size.  I am usually an extremely goal-orientated and motivated person so I am shocked over and over that I can't seem to change anything about my lifestyle to either FIX the belly fat or IMPROVE the clothing situation. Ugh!

If you haven't checked out the newest blogs on the market, some new must-reads can be checked on the right (scroll down to find them) but here are some quick links...


Aura said…
You always look beautiful and I never notice any belly! Hope your mom is doing ok.