And the day is...

Every once in a while, I actually get to meet a unique person.  By unique, I mean original. An original person.  I met her through a friend who is also someone I consider an original person. Original people, in my book, are highly valued to me.  They serve to remind me to be my true self, and I often draw inspiration from them. 

So, back to the "her" part of the original duo team. One thing she has done is to associate names with the days of the week. She in essence has created a framework for her week to help her be more productive.  For instance, she has a Chore Monday and a Workout Wednesday.  I decided today that I am going to model something similar for my days of the week.  Since I am not an original, I am copying one of my favorite originals' idea with my own personal twist! Thanks, Chelsea!

Motivated Monday 
Mondays are the hardest day for me to motivated to work.  On Motivated Monday, it will be all work and no play (at work) to start the week right!

Team Tuesday 
Oh, the ways in which I miss tuning into my family during the week!  This Team Tuesday will be an evening of family bonding fun at home, at no cost, but completely plugged in to them.

Wash It Wednesday 
If there is one thing that is never done in my house, ever, it would be laundry and the clean clothes that accumulate on the table downstairs.  On Wash It Wednesday, I will be doing laundry catch up, and putting clean clothes in their rightful place.

Thinking Thursday 
Oh, so you wonder why I need a thinking day?! Huh?! I do!  On Thinking Thursdays, I go to my daily minyan with Alia, and Torah is read.  It is also the night I will be doing imagery work twice a month.  On the off weeks of imagery, I will spend a part of my evening reading Jewish philosophy, mishnah, Torah or something that engages my mind.

Festive Friday 
Hey! Friday is the beginning of Shabbat!  I will on Festive Fridays be kickin’ it in gear for Shabbat.

Soak-it-in Saturday 
Ahhhhh.  Shabbat.  I plan on Soak-it-in Saturday to do just that - be in the moment and soak in this day that is free of driving, spending money, engaging in technology, cooking, being in charge...and I will soak in the peace, restfulness, tranquility, and specialness of the day.

Spic and Span Sunday 
End of the week!  So much to do (or not do, as is what happens in our household).  On Spic and Span Sunday, I plan to engage the family in a general cleaning of the house so that we are ready to embrace Motivated Monday!
